My technical abilities to think and connect dots help me to collaborate with you to drive results using innovative techniques. I'll work with you and your team to get very specific about the exact types of audience you want to reach and continually optimize to achieve those specific results.

About Me

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My Biography


Interpreting Data

No more hiding behind analytics and terminology

It is too common for marketing agencies as third-parties to hide behind metrics and "marketing speak" that makes it hard to determine what is noise and what's the signal. This is where Brent steps in.


Oversight in Strategy

This is a necessary step to turn goals into cash flow.

Marketers will often claim big returns especially when selling themselves as "niche experts." Here's the thing, having an ongoing strategy that can be implemented and managed for your third-party marketers or in-house strategy is typically a missing step for decision makers in today's business landscape.


Growth Focused

It helps to have someone in the room who knows both.

Being growth focused means that there is an understanding of marketing and the technical skills and practices necessary for growth in combination with business sense. Being able to speak intelligently about how to turn marketing strategy into profitable business returns is what you'd get working alongside Brent.

Outbound Marketing

Revenue Focused

Webflow Expert

Webflow Expert

Interface Designer

Interface Designer

Webflow Expert

Interface Designer

Webflow Expert

Webflow Expert

Interface Designer

Interface Designer